Congrats for Rizky Reynaldi atas pencapaiannya meraih Cumlaude S2 Program Magister Terapan Angkatan 2 pada 23 Desember 2024.

May God grant you smoothness in your future career, Amen.


Ziarah ke makam Papi, Mami Dan Andri di TPU Pondok Kelapa.

May they rest in peace , Amen.


No more Bullying at STIP since Boxing Machine fixed.

Maestro Dan Majesty saat kegiatan Sekolah Minggu di GBI Keluarga Allah Jogja pada th 2007.


The proud birthday present given by my son Maestro Putra Ananta Gultom was purely from his salary from carrying out practical work onboard ship as a Nautical Cadet.

It's really proud. 


Majesty Gultom

Wow.. manis nya putri ku Mahasiswi ISI Yogyakarta saat pameran. 

When he was just 9th y.o : Maestro Putra Ananta Gultom


Cadet STIP 63 Semester 4 Maestro Gultom back to campus menjelang Praktek Laut semestee 5 dan 6.

Keeps going kid... 


We luv you sweety Majesty   JBU.